Giving to others is a big part of what Pine Lake Pastures is all about.
We would like to help a family this Holiday season- Can you join in the spirit of giving?
Items are appreciated unwrapped and delivered to Pine Lake Pastures this weekend.
Please consider helping them have a a special holiday!
Boy age 15 size small men's or 15/16
Girl age 8 size 8/10
Twin Girls 5/6 age 4
Gift ideas: Toy Ktichen utencils, 1st grade math items, Playing house items, New Clothes clothes, Clothing for 8 year old is needed ( We are asking for new items for Christmas) after Christmas we can donate other items.
Boy 15: Gift cards to target, walmart, Amazon and Xbox 1 (Let's not forget the boy!) Needs winter clothes.
Questions- Please contact me Cheri Morton 651-245-6900